Monday, June 30, 2008

I FINALLY GOT IT. (refer to earlier post) i did this in my spare time.
anyway its for my own personal reference. and its fun.
[If you dont understand ignore this whole post :D]
This is a scripted [TAITI] game so that one player.
is COMPLETELY unable to throw out ANY CARDS at ALL.
No ulterior motive. Just seriously, seriously, sadistic.

[p3] [up] [this is how the cards are given out]
[p1 starts, cos hes got the 3DIAMOND and go clockwise]
[up stands for unlucky player]
[p2] [p1]


Cards Distribution [D > Diamond, C> Clubs, H> Hearts, S> Spades]

p1: [3D] [4S] [5H] [6H] [7C]
[KD] [KC] [KH] [8H] [8S]
[AS] [2S] [7S]

p2: [9H] [10S] [JD] [QH] [KS]
[QC] [3C] [6C] [10C] [AC]
[2C] [4H] [4C]

p3: [AD] [5D] [8D] [9D] [4D]
[QD] [JC] [10H] [9S] [8C]
[2H] [6D] [6S]

UP : [JS] [QS] [5S] [3S]
[3H] [AH] [7H] [JH]
[5C] [9C]
[10D] [7D] [2D]



p1 : 3 - 4 - 5 -6 -7
p2 : 9- 10- J- Q- K
p3: COLOURS [DIAMOND] A-5-8-9-4
up : PASS
p1 : K-K-K-8-8
p2 : PASS
p3 : PASS
up : PASS
p1 : A Spades
p2 : 2 Clubs
p3 : 2 Hearts
p1 : 2 Spades
p2 : PASS
p3 : PASS
up : PASS
p1 : 7 Spades [FINISHED :D:D]
p2 : [can put anything] COLOURS [CLUBS] Q-3-6-10-A
p3 : PASS
up : PASS
p3 : [can put anything] 8-9-10-J-Q
up : PASS [fwahahahahhaha]

ya, i know i very sian nothing better to do :l
but its entertainment.

Scripted gameplays aside.
I've decided to have 2 main SSBB chars.
Pit, from KID ICARUS.
And POKEMON Trainer.


Anyways, im totally not looking forward to tomorrow's ANnual PArade rehearsal.
The previous one. WAS totally torturous. band is so unreasonable :DDDD
they deprived us of WATER during the break. before that we were standing under
the HOT SUN stoning. and we are not supposed to move.
WHERES THE JUSTICE. the following practice, we had to wear our ceremonials,
which are so thick is bleeding warm under neath. PLUS the boots suffocating
my foots feet to death :(

Keith was dam lucky not to go la.......

I am also very sad the real AP is on Saturday.
and DURING the family gathering.
i like family gatherings :(.
but we're all so DS obsessed :D:AS:DAS:DA:SD:

after watching that video.
SEARCH on youtube 'pork and coke'
if you pour coke on pork. worms will come out.

i at 5:10 AM

Start a speech with a rhetorical question.

Good morning.
Where would we be without rhetorical questions?

Today during english we were given a speech made by JFK in Berlin
the paper was cut in paragraphs and we had to piece the whole speech together.
And it was sort of a competition to see who got it first.
And my group [yay group 7] WON!!!
Our secret? AHAHAHAHA.
They didnt cut the paper so perfectly, so we could see how they cut
and we just put the papers together where the cuts are similar.
We are so bad :)

Anyway besides that nothing else interesting happened.

Im considering my SSBB main characters to use.

Options :

Adv : Very good sword attacks [swift]
Useful hookshot.
Disadv : Slow movement.

Pit [ From Kid ICARUS]
Adv : Good recovery. [WINGS YEAH]
Nice edge guard.
Melee attack quite okay.

Pokemon Trainer
Adv: Dam nice :D

i at 1:29 AM

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Got Super Smash Bros. BRAWL.
Never mind about Guitar hEro DS coz im getting Guitar Hero World Tour when it comes out
+guitar and + drums :DD:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D
SSBB is not a bad game.
Quite boring for me now coz i dont really no how to play.
but after while it got addictive. :D
anyway school tmorrow. the ss project i waiting another day. lol.

i at 2:04 AM

Saturday, June 28, 2008

band practice was so tiring.
the sun. is. so. hot.
no one knew that before i came.
and discovered the sun is very hot :(

anyway im going to get a wii OR ds game VERY SOON [since i saved $70]
Im currently weighing my options.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl on Wii, recommended by a lot of people to me,
and also rated like 9.5 on IGN so not bad.
Guitar Hero : On Tour on DS, not bad, the youtube gameplay looks REALLY nice.
And a lot of people said [on forums] that i was worth the money and very fun to play.
So im not sure. But im guessing that its the SSBB.

i at 1:33 AM

Friday, June 27, 2008

today was so tiring :(
i hate bagpipers they are so slack.
Wth after two hours stoning in the hot sun and my boots are so friggin tight
there was a 20 minute break to change into full ceremonials. And
THEY SAY CANNOT DRINK WATER. and they never give us free 100 plus
until the very end when i can get a btter and colder DRINk.

Anyway. besides that. today. was. a. seriously. boring. day.
You. can. sleep. do. anything. you. want. for. like. at. least.
half. the. day. Because. the. stupid. teachers. dont. realise it.

So Geog and Bio first period. Geog he just change the words in the textbook.
No point listening. Bio gave us the notes then she only keep on talking about it.
Chem also.

So how can you entertain yourself during a BORING BORING LESSON. like that of
chemistry, biology, geography, literature, social studies, rme, etc etc etc.

I can do lots of lame stuff :D
cos i sit infront and every week we get newspaper, straits times and the chinese ones. i tear the chinese classifieds into small pieces and flick them into the bin.
How fun. The best thing is missing the dustbin completely. The teachers dont realise it. AND I OWN MY FRIEND IN FLICKING.
Also, you can compete with your friend, disassembling and reassmebling stuff like correction tape. i own bryan yeo hands down.
Also, Classic hand games. like thumbs.

the timewaster dance
You need a piece of paper.
Find exactly what cards[like 3diamonds and such as and what not] you have to give everyone [4players] such that 1 player COMPLETELY cannot put down ANY cards.
Thats a super ownage. and YET. looks reasonable and believeable.
[if everyone got 2fullhouses, 1 2 and 1 pair abit unbelieveable la].

But i guess everyone enthusiastic in class. so pay attention.

i at 6:07 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

so much work :(
i got a project to finish. [i have to do all on my own because i dont want to do a poem] and then must polish brass parts for tomorrow.
Anyway today nothing much. I didn't bring PE attire for PE so i got
to do DETENTION [pe detention not that serious haha probably doing stuff they
are too lazy to do] next WEDNESDAY. This means i can pon SECTIONALS. MUAHHAAAAAHAA.
I can't find any article appropriate for world news.

Anyway my masterplan has been drafted out im GOING to x MILLION guilt on
the [ ABC ] because they suck. The only probility that the masterplan will fail
: CSM.

i at 6:17 AM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i am so not going to look forward to this week and next week.
One of the most exhausting moments of my life :(
I have no time to complete homework or do anything.
On Tuesdays, AP Rehearsal.
On Wednesdays, Sectionals.
On Thursdays, Band Parade.
On Fridays, AP Rehearsal.
On Saturday, Band parade. AGAIN.
Luckily it ends next week 5 July, and followed by YOUTH DAY ON MONDAY.
so sian.
Anyway i havent got time to make my blog look nice ;l.
Anyway today, from what i heard, Keith got CONFRONTED by a TEACHER WHO I SHALL NOT NAME. Because of his remarks on the TEACHER WHO I SHALL NOT NAME on his blog.
and the TEACHER WHO I SHALL NOT NAME just happened to find his blog and identified
that it was KEITH LDY's BLOG (maybe because he wrote his full name and put a picture
of himself on the blog).
Still must do my ceremonials.
lucky dont need to do anything about rank.

i at 1:33 AM

Monday, June 23, 2008

first post

im staring at the computer. i have nothing. NOTHING to type about.
yet i just created this blog.
maybe i got nothing better to do.
or maybe i got nothing else better to do.
:D so now im going to post about every thing interesting that is worth knowing
and interesting that happened today :
- I went to school
- I took a bus home!!!!!!!!!
- I ate DINNER. like i never ate it for a very long time.
In this time i didnt eat dinner, the earth rotated around on its axis.
- I created this blog thing.

Ok thats all.
i dont think this blog is going to last. haha.
I will TRY to post yearly monthly weekly daily. or at least twice a week.
:] (no one can smile like that)

i at 4:23 AM